Using natural products – biophilic is the way to go!

Acoustic pods and biophilic design at IKEA
Acoustic pods are two a penny. Google those words and you are spoilt for choice with a wide range of office pod dealers and manufacturers. But an acoustic hub, that’s something a bit special, more unique.
Biophilia – the relationship between humans and nature – is the new buzzword. Coined in the 1980s by Edward O. Wilson, it concerns the need that we have to be continually connected to nature. There are plenty of studies to back up this concept, but probably, even without the science behind it, most people would concur that connecting with the natural world around us is restorative and calming.
An acoustic hub stands out from the crowd because it is inspired by the natural world around us.
Not only more aesthetically pleasing to look at, natural products are more tactile, more versatile, and when it comes to good acoustics, measurably more effective.
The Human Spaces report, ‘The Global Impact of Biophilic Design in the Workplace’, states that biophilia has a marked and measurable effect on an individual’s well-being and levels of stress. Direct physical responses can be measured in heart rate and blood pressure, and their studies found that “significant associations emerged, showing that when people were connected to nature…they reported much greater levels of well-being.” In summary, they concluded that “biophilic design in the workplace has a strong, measurable impact on key employee outcomes such a swell-being, productivity and creativity.” They also concluded that “nature contact has a restorative effect on people, helping them to deal with day-to-day stress and work to maintain their performance.” The use of light and colour was found to be especially important.
How has this effected workplace design?
The vanguards of workplace design (Apple, Google and Amazon) are investing heavily in biophilic design in the workplace and many forward-thinking companies are following suit – quite simply, they recognise the importance of health and well-being in attracting and maintaining staff. Natural light, natural colours and natural products all work together to create the optimum environment for productivity and creativity – contact with nature and our response to it continues to “exercise significant effects on people’s physical and mental health, performance and well-being.” (“The Practice of Biophilic Design”, Kellert and Calabrese, 2015)
At Acoustic Hubs we have taken the biophilic approach because we recognise the value of health and well-being in the workplace. The design of an Acoustic Hub provides the finest natural materials:
- Naturally grown, kiln-dried Douglas Fir frames
- 12.8mm Stadip Silence laminated glass (dB39)
- 50mm and 25mm Quietspace acoustic panels (NRC of 1.0 and 0.8 respectively)
- Natural paints
- Natural fabrics – wool, jute, hemp and flax, and recycled polyester
To our knowledge this is not matched in any other acoustic pod, hub or meeting room currently on the market.

Acoustic pods at Solihull MBC