
The Hub comes in six standard sizes
1.2m x 1m, 1.2m x 2m, 2m x 2m, 3m x 2m, 3m x 3m, 3m x 4m
From the smallest Hub, which is like a telephone booth and adequate for one person, to the largest which can comfortably accommodate eight people, the Hub has a variety of uses: as a study booth, a meeting room, a training room, for teleconferencing,
for dining, for relaxing…

The possibilities
Two Hubs could be placed side by side so there could be a shared wall, thereby reducing costs and utilising space effectively. There could be a cluster of different sized Hubs and all Hubs are able to have ‘add-ons’:
Added perimeter screening to give extra acoustic protection internally and externally
External ‘wrap-around’ seating to create different meeting areas and extend the use of the Hub
Sound masking could be added to reduce the impact of unwanted sound

To come in 2017
Our passion for timber does not end with Duggie, French Oak
will play a significant supporting roles as the range expands.